
As a programmer, we all know that a school program should be running in our venue but who has the time or man-power to make this a success? This is where EduStage fits into your organization.

EduStage is the only full-service organization bringing the world's best international youth programming to Ontario students, pre-kindergarten to high school, which will create the audience of the future for each Ontario venue.

EduStage has captured this untapped niche market place and plans to become national by 2011. EduStage will be the key player in creating a national arts/education program partnering theatres and school boards across Canada.

What Can EduStage do for you?

  • Program an international curriculum based series that caters to students pre-kindergarten to high school (at least 1day of performances from Oct - June) that fits your community schools
  • Negotiate great fees due to the volume of dates required
  • Design and create marketing materials for your school series
  • Distribute and sell to your market place with our fully staffed reservation centre
  • Create relationships with your school boards, private schools and homeschoolers in your community
  • Distribute all purchased tickets and collection of monies
  • Attend all performances to continue the relationship building with the teacher's in your community
  • Survey and report back to the venue on the success of each event in the series

Are you interested in starting this exciting journey for the 2008-2009 Season? I would love to come visit your venue and discuss this opportunity.

Remember, exposing students to the Arts at a young age will only increase their desire to return as adults.

I look forward to your response to get started on this adventure!